Monday Dawn

Here we go, finally updating 📡

Last post never made it to the internet 😪

A lot going on in the world and I'm keeping busy as well. 💪
Updates to this website always happen when my life calms down before the next storm. ☔
Currently, just want to get this update to all the devoted fans. I have added a 🐍 icon to the website.
There is also something else added... Try and click one of the clouds ☔ Try and click all of them ⚡

Written 2023-03-20

Long time, no see

A lot have happened

Two years have past since the last update here, and a lot have changed in my life.
The school got done last year, and I got the dream job after it (about-me is updated).
I have some plans for this website, more than the currently added Padel Tennis game.
And I do hope, that I will be able to update it more often than bi-annualy.

Written 2022-07-29

Summertime! 😎🍸

Now time to relax... 🌊 🌞

One more year done, only one more left.
Website should now look different during some secret hours and on special days.
The Games tab will probably change into a "stuff" tab later.
Currently you will find a bubblesort program there, written in Rockstar. 🎸⭐

Written 2020-06-03

Keepin' it fresh

Removed the side bar och small fixes 🔨

One period done, another one has started.
Covid-19 is in the air, stay safe.
Removed the ugly side news to the right, and made everything more fresh.
Soon, summer. 🌊 🌞

Written 2020-03-16

New Year! New Update!

The tabs are working and you can read about me and check out my app.

Exams are done and new courses starts soon.
While waiting I decided to give this baby more features.
You can read about me and download my app now, see if you can find them.
Also fixed the green lock thing to left, so you can feel safe. 🔒

Written 2020-01-11



Final you can see this, with domain name and everything!

Now hosting this website so everyone can visit this beauty.
Come back each monday at dawn to start your week optimal.
The tabs above are not implemented yet, but will soon. Bookmark!

Written 2019-12-26


Android apps

Downloadable Android applications done by me

Check out the Apps tab to find out more about all my current released Android Apps.
Made in Android Studio. I hope you find some use for atleast one app!

Written 2018-08-27

HTML5 Games

In-browser games done by me

Check out the Games tab to find and play all my current released HTML in-browser games!
Games mainly done in Javascript.
I hope you find some of the games entertaining

Written 2018-08-27

About the website

Behind this beautyful website

This website is written by me in HTML5, CSS and Javascript.
I'm self-hosting.